What Handbag Suits Your Body Type?
If you are tall and thin, you will be able to choose almost any style of handbags. Clutched and over sized handbags and shoulder bags will suit you nicely. Large handbags may look best on you because you are tall and long legged. If you choose smaller handbags you would look even taller than you are, but if you really like smaller handbags just make sure it fits snugly under your shoulders.
For short and plump girls you need to pay careful attention for the handbags you choose to buy. Smaller bags may look best in you since large ones may make you even shorter. Short purses will create height and will make you look taller than you use to be.
The curvy ones are lucky because a handbag can emphasize your curve. You can choose a handbag that hits just above the waist. These will look great in your posture. Having a medium sized handbag will work best in enhancing such body type.
For plus sized body type you must avoid using small handbags because this tends to make you look bigger. Also avoid handbags that has short straps. Try handbags that are slightly wider and larger than normal sizes since they will make you appear smaller.
So now you already have an idea how to choose a handbag that suits your body type. Remember that handbags do not only depend on your body type but also on the outfit you are wearing including the shoes.